Grandma's Thanksgiving Disaster Online Escape Room


⭐ It's Grandma's Thanksgiving Disaster Escape Room! Great for family, friends or co-workers! ⭐ You arrive at Grandma's house for Thanksgiving and step into the house, expecting to be greeted by your family and the aroma of that delectable pie but instead see Grandma running toward you in full panic mode. She hands you a note with a map and screams, someone has stolen all of my Thanksgiving recipe cards! It’s a Thanksgiving Day Disaster!⭐

⭐ This web-based escape with self-checking answers includes puzzle-solving challenges and clue-based puzzles is a fun and engaging way to celebrate Thanksgiving with your family or co-workers! ⭐

Difficulty Level: Medium
(All of our escape rooms include hints that appear at regular intervals, and make it easier for players who need more help.)
Length: 60-75 minutes

The Story:
⭐ Panic begins to creep in as you realize the food isn’t ready, it hasn’t even been started!! What are you going to do?! It's up to you and your family to locate and collect the missing recipe cards scattered throughout the house. Each recipe card is hidden in a different area. You must help Grandma solve the puzzles and find her recipe cards before it’s too late. You better get started everyone is getting hungry and it’s about to get crazy in here. ⭐

⭐ With nine challenging puzzles and a final puzzle determining whether you and your family will eat your traditional Thanksgiving dinner in time. This interactive learning experience will surely keep your team engaged and entertained. ⭐ And because everything is played from one link, there's no need for a complicated setup or a Google form.⭐

As players work their way through the escape room, they must use their problem-solving skills to crack each puzzle together. And with instant feedback on each interactive clue, you'll know immediately if you're on the right track. Our virtual escapes also include printable hints that can be handed out by the party host.

So if you're looking for a fun and engaging way to celebrate Thanksgiving and bring your family and friends together this escape room is a perfect choice. Download your escape today and see if you have what it takes to find all the missing recipes and save Thanksgiving in time?

⭐ Redemption code lasts for a full month!
⭐ 9 puzzles plus final lock
⭐ Play with one link; all gameplay is inside the escape room!
⭐ No Google locks page, escape has self-checking answers!
⭐ Create a fun and engaging get-together!
⭐ Strengthen relationships!
⭐ 3 Hints and answers are embedded, as well as printable
⭐ Answer key is included.

⭐PDF with instructions, answer key, and hints.
⭐PDF of notes page for printing if desired.

⭐ Best when played on a Laptop, Chromebook, Tablet or Desktop Computer
⭐ URL Based Escape Room
⭐ Best when played in teams, each team with their own device
⭐ Teams play their own game on separate devices
⭐ Game lasts approximately 90 minutes, depending on the age and number of people playing.
⭐ Best suited for ages 12- 100; Younger kids can play with the help of an older child or adult!
⭐ No printing required!

You will download your purchase immediately in the form of a PDF document and the redemption code and link via email. This game is for personal use only. 
ercial use!
⭐ A traditional virtual escape room!
⭐ Perfect for classroom team-building!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ TERMS OF USE ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
You may use this escape room for classroom use and print and make copies of any downloadable resources as necessary for your class.

Created by Sabrina Wingren & Hilary Lewis for It's a Lock Escapes.
This resource is for use in the classroom and/or personal use and may not be used in resources for commercial purposes.
No digital redistribution is permitted.
You may not share or upload any part of this resource or its elements for use on a commercial platform or print-on-demand website.
Not intended for resale.
Not intended for use with online teaching platforms such as Outschool, or for sharing online without prior permission or license.
Please contact us before using this resource with multiple classes or over an entire district for a licensing price.


Due to the digital nature of this product, all sales are final, and no refunds will be offered. However, if you encounter a problem with your download, please contact me, and I will work with you to resolve any issues!

©It's a Lock Escapes. All rights reserved. Concept, Game Play, and Environment background created by Sabrina Wingren and Hilary Lewis. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, sell, or profit in any way from the use of this escape room without permission.