Terms of Use for Paid & Free Teaching Resources on Escape Room Escapades
All Escape Room Escapades resources may be used for non-commercial, personal classroom/homeschool use only. In downloading from Escape Room Escapades you agree that you have purchased a single user license. This grants you permission to use the resource in your classroom, but does not entitle you to its copyright. Nor does it allow you to purchase one copy for an entire school district. Any breach of these Terms of Use are strictly enforced.
You may:
Duplicate this resource for each student, whether in digital or paper form, using your school’s Learning Management System (this includes Google Drive, Google Classroom, Google Slides, Google Docs, Google Forms or whatever digital means it comes in)
Reference this resource on your teaching blog or in pro-development workshops with credit given back to me and a link to my website, so long as you are not giving it away.
You may not:
Edit, adapt, distribute, or translate this resource into any other language with the intent to re-sell
Create free or paid commercial courses and classes, whether virtually or in-person, based on this resource.
Upload our teaching materials to file and video sharing websites, host them on your classroom website, blog, district server or other educational websites with the intent to share them freely with other teachers or homeschoolers
Re-sell or share physical or digital copies of this resource with other teachers as you have purchased a single-user license
Claim this resource as your own or remove the credit graphic or copyright notice in any of my teaching materials
Please inquire about multiple licenses to share your purchase with other teachers.